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Lifting Your Spirits: Seven Tools for Coping with Illness


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The Heart of Well-being – Seven Tools for Surviving and Thriving

StillnessInTheStorm A5 FC

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Stillness in the Storm – 7 tools for coping with fear and uncertainty

A Warm Welcome

The Janki Foundation is a UK charity promoting spirituality in healthcare. Great advances in the field of medicine on the physical level have led to ever-increasing demands on the health services, but at the expense of a more human-centred ethic and practice.

The Foundation acknowledges the central role of positive thoughts and feelings, compassion and kindness in maintaining wellbeing and preventing illness. Through publications, experiential learning, talks, and networking, the Foundation provides opportunities to further such approaches among individuals and professionals.

Health and Healing

Spiritual awareness is an energy that transcends religion, culture, possessions, social status, and language.

It strengthens our self-image, such as to enable the mind to become steady in the face of life’s challenges, and the body to stay within the limits of healthy function.

We are more vulnerable to suffering and disease when we identify ourselves with the physical aspects of reality, including the body, relationships, and the actions we perform. This is because everything of the physical world is in a state of constant flux. Faced with loss (or the threat of loss) of external support over which we have little or no control, we are liable to become fearful and defensive. People and situations then weigh heavily upon us. Prolonged negative feelings drain us of confidence and strength and are a common cause of many types of illness.

When we focus on the positive side of what it means to be human, experiencing shared values such as love, peace, and joy, we move towards a state of resilience and strength which promotes healing and health.

Forthcoming Events

Latest News

Restoring Human Values, Reclaiming the Soul in Healthcare

Healthcare in the UK and many other countries is in crisis. Demand is soaring, waiting lists mushrooming and a demoralised, beleaguered workforce is struggling to cope. The gap between the values held by those in healthcare and that of the system they are working in is adversely affecting staff wellbeing…

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News of the passing of Dr Peter Fenwick, Scientific & Medical Advisor to the Janki Foundation

Dr Peter Fenwick, a pillar of spiritual understanding and humane medicine, who supported the Janki Foundation from its inception as a scientific adviser, has passed on. His legacy is immense. As a psychiatrist, Peter gave solid scientific support to the case for bringing spirituality back into healthcare, and mental healthcare…

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Rest & Restore Residential Retreat – 20-22 September 2024, The Global Retreat Centre, UK

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